Ricardas Jascemskas

Project Manager, Lithuanian Game Developers Association

Ricardas has been working in the games industry for more than 20 years. As a journalist, he was heading several games magazines and later joined the development industry as a communications manager for Nordcurrent and SneakyBox, the largest game studios in Lithuania. Currently, Ricardas is responsible for communications and events at the Lithuanian Game Developers Association.

Sessions by Ricardas Jascemskas

Lithuanian Gamedev Industry Overview

Day 2 (UTC+8) - 14:20 - 15:20
Language: English (accompanied with Mandarin/Chinese subtitles.)

Lithuanian game development industry has been rapidly growing and expanding internationally in the past several years. Lithuanian Game Developers Association together with the Lithuanian Innovation Center conducted detailed research of the industry, with guidelines for future growth. Ricardas will share the history, current state and upcoming plans for the Lithuanian gamedev industry and new possibilities to cooperate internationally.

The main goal is to shine more international light on Lithuanian game development industry. Although still comparatively small, we have some big success stories and increasing opportunities to cooperate internationally. Main industry players and institutions will be showcased and usable for future references or contacts.