About Taipei Game Developers Forum

Taipei Game Developers Forum is the largest annual conference on game development in Taiwan, attracting more than a thousand game developers to attend. Since 2020, TGDF had gone virtual via Twitch.tv, and in our 2021 edition, we had 40,000+ unique visitors and 2,000+ concurrent viewers at peak with our 2 streaming channels combined. 

2022 TGDF will continue to utilize Twitch as a safe and effective way to reach out to our developer community. The speaker line-up includes Mi Wang (Technical Director - Developer Relationship, Epic Games), Arvi Teikari (Baba Is You), Lucas Pope (Return of the Obra Dinn), Shiek Wang (Art Direction, Destiny 2), Ming-Lun “Allen” Chou (Programmer, Naughty Dog), Triodust (OPUS: Echo of Starsong) and dozens more, sharing their insights and hard-earned lessons across a wide spectrum of topics. 

No matter if you are coming from an indie or AAA environment, an industry veteran or people who have just started making games - TGDF welcomes you to join us for this annual event of knowledge sharing and learning together. 

  • Date: July 16th-17th, 2022 (Sat-Sun)
  • Time: 09:00 - 18:00 (UTC+8)
  • Price: Free
  • Contact: [email protected]

Live Streaming

Track 1

  • This will direct you to TGDF_Official Twitch channel for Track 1 sessions.

Track 2

  • This will direct you to TGDF_Official2 Twitch channel for Track 2 sessions.


  • Pre-register now and answer the post-event survey to join our raffle for prizes!

What's New

2022 TGDF 台北遊戲開發者論壇圓滿落幕

2022 年台北遊戲開發者論壇(TGDF,Taipei Game Developers Forum)於 7 月17 日圓滿落幕,在合作夥伴及海內外遊戲開發者支持下,論壇於 Twitch 直播平台開播,並由來自台灣、美國、挪威、芬蘭、立陶宛、西班牙、中國大陸等超過 40 位講師進行演講,吸...

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2022 TGDF 合作夥伴介紹:AMD

AMD宣布支援最新推出AMD FidelityFX Super Resolution (FSR) 2.0的遊戲持續增長,《戰神》與《模擬農場22》現已支援AMD進階的時間放大(temporal upscaling)技術,加入含《死亡循環》等支援FSR2.0的遊戲行列。

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2022 台北遊戲開發者論壇 即將登場!

第十一屆 TGDF 將在本週末展開,歡迎各位於假日期間至  Twitch 收看活動的直播。

今年TGDF 將維持使用 Twitch 來直播所有議程,讓開發者們能在相對安全的條件下進行經驗分享。


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2022 TGDF 合作夥伴介紹:唯晶科技

自RPG奇幻冒險遊戲《聖女之歌:人魚新娘》於2002年首度發行,2003年推出《聖女之歌:撤雷母天使》,睽違13年於2016年推出《聖女之歌ZERO 1–奉獻》,並在邁入本系列20周年之際推出了《聖女之歌ZERO 2–鱗痕誓約》。

本次議程中, 唯晶科技 CEO 詹承...

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